Do you share our passion for innovative and unique opera? As an OPERA2DAY business partners we offer you (and your customers, employees, relations) unforgettable experiences on unique locations and in beautiful theatres. And you help us to make historically inspired opera for a broad audience.


OPERA2DAY opens the rich treasure chest of historical opera’s and timeless stories for an audience of today. With a unique artistic voice, enterprising mindset and the ambition to share opera with a wide and diverse audience, OPERA2DAY evolved into the company it is today, playing for full houses.


When becoming our business partner, you can choose between three tiers, named after historical opera styles that where most popular in the hayday of French opera in The Hague in the 18th and 19th century: Vaudeville, Opéra Comique en Grand Opéra.

As our partner, you receive yearly complementary tickets, special partner promotions (such as discounts for employees or acess to priority ticket reservations). We also introduce you to our audience, by placing your name and logo in our programmes and on our website. Do you want to invite your customers, employees or partners to an unforgettable night of opera? We would love to organize a special reception, where we receive you and your guests with drinks and introduce you to our performers. At the bottom of this page, you can find an overview of our different partnerships.

When you choose Opera Comique or Grand Opera, we will send you a yearly invite for a unique experience for two, such as a night behind the scenes.

Would you like to talk to us about the possibilities of a partnership? Please contact our relations manager Henry Vorselman, relaties@opera2day.nl.

Vaudeville €1000 a year

  • Special reception at our performances (relations/client event) at cost price
  • 6 complementary tickets a year
  • your name and logo on our website
  • your name and logo in the programmes of our traveling productions

Opéra Comique €2500 a year

  • Special reception at our performances (relations/client event) at cost price
  • 10 complementary tickets a year
  • your name and logo on our website
  • your name and logo in the programmes of our traveling productions
  • yearly invitation to a special OPERA2DAY experience

If you have any special wishes regarding our partnerships and possible communication strategies we are happy to discuss those with you. 

Grand Opéra €5000 or more a year

  • Special reception at our performances (relations/client event) at cost price
  • 20 complementary tickets a year
  • your name and logo on our website
  • your name and logo in the programmes of our traveling productions
  • yearly invitation to a special OPERA2DAY experience       

If you have any special wishes regarding our partnerships and possible communication strategies we are happy to discuss those with you.


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    The company has created a 21st century recipe for opera that could almost certainly not have been imagined in any other era

  • Opera Now
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