Wednesday 29 May 2024

Modelo62 a guest in our home venue

Modelo62 a guest in our home venue

On 8 and 9 June, ensemble Modelo62 will be guests at our home venue in The Hague, CC Concordia with the performance Three Degrees from Realilty. This performance has a central role for the audience, who thereby determine the course of the performance by the choices they make during the performance, in relation to given directions. The interdisciplinary creation by Luz Lassizuk, Ezequiel Menalled and Yolanda Uriz is an invitation to a different way of perceiving music. We have collaborated with founder Ezequiel Menalles before for new music for our Médée and for the future, too, we want to explore new paths with the company.

Three Degrees

Participants are invited to experience reality in three distinct spaces. The first space (Degree 1) happens on stage, and emulates the reality where people have unmediated relations with the world around them. The stage is a multidisciplinary installation which works as a board with different stations. Sight, smell, hearing and touch are the senses with which participants perceive the environment. The second space (Degree 2) takes place in another room, a traditional seating space assigned to the audience. The third space (Degree 3) is where physical space is disintegrated and becomes digital. All the images and sounds coming from the first and second spaces will be transformed digitally and streamed online, so everybody will have access to it in real time.

Buy your tickets for 8 june or 9 juni.

About Modelo62

Modelo62 is an ensemble that focuses on the performance of contemporary music, with a strong interdisciplinary component.
Next to performing existing contemporary repertoire, the driving ambition of Modelo62 is to create tailor-made works for the group in collaboration with young as well as established composers and makers from a variety of disciplines. Modelo62 functions as a laboratory for new artistic experiments. As such, Modelo62 considers itself a musical ensemble but also a production house that dedicates time and resources to develop new projects. Modelo62’s vision is to reach new audiences with contemporary music and to offer them a transformative experience. Over 20 years of existence Modelo62 has brought more than 100 new works to the stage.

Modelo62 has developed a strong experimental identity in which questioning the traditional concert rituals has become a trademark of the ensemble. The international diversity of its members makes it a multifaceted and versatile collective.
The ensemble is in constant change too: although it has a core team of musicians, the shape of the ensemble is not fixed. Modelo62 is a collective that is always inviting new members to collaborate, a flexible form that allows it to explore new ways of making music together, while broadening the ensemble’s vocabulary.


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