"Opera2Day has once again exceeded our expectations by far!”
At the end of our operas, we usually send a survey to our audience to find out how the performance was experienced. When you work on an opera for two years, you are still (or perhaps even more so) curious to find out if everything falls into place, if the music is enjoyed, whether all the dramaturgic concepts are picked up, etc.
We were already really happy with the raving reviews in the press for the opera J.S. Bach - The Apocalypse. But these were nothing compared to the results of our survey after the opera in the Royal Theater (Koninklijke Schouwburg) in The Hague. As many as 82% of the visitors gave our opera the highest possible score! It made us blush a bit.
It was also wonderful to read the explanations of our visitors. All aspects of the opera were covered: “My compliments that Opera2Day managed to put this opera on stage in the current circumstances and with all the restrictions. It was original, unique and the message was impressive. A big hand of applause!” Many visitors commented on the “excellent performance by the choir, the orchestra and the solo artists”. They also complimented the decor on the stage and the “brilliant finds for the outfits”.
The overall concept was also well-received: “I had seen an opera by them before that was good, but it exceeds my expectations that they are so gloriously successful with this concept (a reconstruction of Bach + a historic topic + relating it to current affairs now).
The cherry on our cake to us, is when we impress people who do not necessarily go to the opera very often. We believe that opera can give the visitor a meaningful experience, but the only person who can confirm this is the spectator. We were very pleased with this comment: “I was deeply and intensely touched by this performance, in a genre that is not my usual cup of tea (opera). I can simply not remember a time when I was so deeply touched by both the libretto, and the music and the performance and the staging. Very, very good and of international level quality this.” “I was on the edge of my seat.”