Raad van Toezicht

Raad van Toezicht

Michaël Nieuwenhuizen

Michaël Nieuwenhuizen heeft ruim 40 jaar ervaring in functies als bestuurder, adviseur, beleidsmedewerker, programmamanager, lobbyist en toezichthouder. Hij staat in de kunst- en cultuursector bekend als een optimistische aanhouder die er in combinatie met een groot netwerk een brede agenda op nahoudt. Michaël koppelt  inhoudelijke kennis van muziek, beeldende kunst, erfgoed en media met zakelijke en bestuurlijke ervaring. Als creatief en strategisch denker is hij sterk in het uitzetten en profileren van een nieuwe koers en het realiseren van draagvlak. 

Fatma Kaya

Fatma Kaya (1969) is a connector pur sang and socially involved to the bone. She works as a relationship manager for the JOGG foundation, which stands for healthy youth and a healthy future, and works with municipalities throughout the Netherlands to achieve this. Fatma has always worked in the non-profit sector for trade unions, governments and educational institutions, among others. She was a member of the Supervisory Board of the Koninklijke Schouwburg for six years, was chairman of the Women at Work Foundation in The Hague and is a member of Rotary Club 's Gravenhage Kijkduin.

Guus Mostart

Guus Mostart initially studied medicine. With a scholarship from the then Ministry of C.R.M., he took a stage management course at the London Opera Centre after which he joined the Netherlands Opera Foundation under Hans de Roo. In 1977, he left for the Glyndebourne Festival where he rose from Staff Producer to Associate Director and Director of Production for the Glyndebourne Touring Opera. In the more than 40 years Guus has worked in the opera world, he has held various positions including Director of Artistic Affairs Dutch Opera, Artistic Director Vancouver Opera, Director of Artistic Administration & Dramaturgy English National Opera and Intendant of the National Touring Opera.

Portrait George OostromGeorge Oostrom

George Oostrom is a former CEO of a multinational claims management company. He has worked in several countries and was responsible for the business activities in the Benelux and France. He is a member of NIVRE - the Dutch Institute of Registered Experts, of which he has been (vice) chairman for several years. As a board member, he is still associated with the foundation Calamities and Projects, a foundation affiliated with NIVRE.
In addition, George is a member of various boards related to the insurance sector, such as the Institute of Financial Crime, and he is active as an editorial board member of the Salvage Foundation of the combined fire insurers. George Oostrom has a great passion for opera and classical music.

Lotte Pierik

Lotte Pierik graduated from the Music Theatre programme, at Codarts Hogeschool voor de Kunsten, in 2020.
In 2019, she received the Music Theatre Stipendium from Erasmus University Rotterdam. She chose to change tack in early 2023, focusing on positions behind the scenes. She is now working as Assistant Artistic and Business Director at both Wende Snijders and Stichting MusicalMakers.

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